Import your Music Library using one of the options below:
Your Music Library is imported into Libs-to-Clips as a text file. This allows you to browse it and edit if necessary. However, please make sure that you follow the format recognized by the service if you make any modifications.
Your Library contains Songs and Artists, each defined in their respective section.
Songs section starts from SONGS header and contains songs within the lines between separator =====. Each song is defined on its own line, which has the artist name and the song title separated by <->. If a line within the Songs section does not have separator <-> then it will be ignored by the service.
Artists section starts from ARTISTS header and contains artists within the lines between separator =======. Each artist is defined on its own line, which has the artist name and a maximum songs count that is desired to be imported by this artist. If you imported artists from your library you will also see their identifiers from the artists catalogue between square brackets ([]). The value before the colon (:) specifies the catalogue and the value after is the artist identifier. Artist identifiers are optional, but they will help in finding the right artist while making a playlist if the same artist catalogue is used. By default, all artists from your library will have 10 as maximum songs count, but you can change it if you want. The artist name and the songs count are separated by <->. If an artist has significant presence in your library it will be marked as [+], which will mean that while making a playlist the service will also try searching for similar artists. The [+] marker will follow right after the maximum songs count. If a line within the Artists section does not have separator <-> or the maximum songs count cannot be recognized as a number then it will be ignored by the service.
The format is understood best by an example. If you do not have a library to import but still want to use the service you can download this example to get an idea of how a library might look like.
If you have made changes to the imported library do not forget to save it to the server. It also makes sense to store the changes locally on your device if you are planning to use your library later in another session. After you have finished you can proceed further to create a playlist based on your library.