Many of us through the years have collected a music library containing thousands of favorite songs and hundreds of favorite artists. Wouldn't it be great to also get a personalized video library where you could not only listen to the music but also watch the videos? Service Libs-to-Clips is created to do this for you.
Import your library from Apple Music or Spotify, edit it if you want and create a playlist on YouTube Music featuring all the videos that you want to see.
Experiment with different configuration settings, which will allow to create a playlist especially for you.
Manage your playlists, go through the videos, watch them, remove them or add them to your personal blacklist.
Compare playlists created with different settings to find out what works best for you.
Sign in to Google using a button in the top right corner of the screen and start exploring what Libs-to-Clips can do for you. Read the privacy policy to see how your user data is managed.
Don't forget to leave feedback to the author if you have a question about the service, a feature request, or you simply want to say that you love it.